
Stakeholder Seminars

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 8 months ago




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Drawing on the research and expertise behind the Clarity concept, we provide stakeholder seminars.


These provide a comprehensive background to stakeholder theory, its application in corporate governance, issues management, brand and event management.


These events provide an opportunity to engage with current capabilities and aids for development of stakeholder strategies.


The outcomes include:


Review current developments in stakeholder management theory

Review stakeholder management as part of corporate governance,

Relevance of stakeholder analysis for Corporate Social Responsibility

Relevance of stakeholder analysis to corporate and brand issues

Relevance of stakeholder analysis for brand champion analysis

Review developments in the Clarity Project

Review research and developments with hands-on experience of latest aids for stakeholder mapping, prioritisation and evaluation.

Take-home comprehensive bibliography, relevant legislative developments and research papers, software tools and capability to develop own stakeholder maps for strategy development.


Additional semiars are available to aid Strategy Applications of The Clarity Concept


Sessions include:

Seminar content

Stakeholder Theory and Practice

Stakeholder Theory Applied to Corporate Governance

Stakeholder analysis for Corporate Social Responsibility

Who Makes the Decisions

Introducing Focus Group Aids for Stakeholder Mapping

Using Stakeholder modelling software

Hands-on application



If you would like to know more about our seminars, please contact us here

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