The use of social segmentation is in common use across many disciplines. In sociology, marketing and public relations the practice generally seeks a group of people who commonly hold social, cultural, economic or lifestyle traits.
In Public relations theory (Grunig) there is a view that people form around issues. Stakeholder theory (Freedman) has it that people can be grouped together because they have a 'stake' in an organisation. In marketing, such a group may be determined by wealth, location, age, sex, education and in the social sciences there are a range of groupings from politics to culture and beliefs.
In this case we call such groups 'Stakeholders' or, sometimes, 'Stakeholder Groups' (see also Disambiguation).
Identification of social groups allows relationship building, marketing, advertising to be developed that is relevant to the understanding, needs and interactions for such groups.
Identification of the relationship extant and the relationship ambitions of the organisation requires a robust methodology that not only identifies Stakeholders but also is able to identify their relative significance for the organisation. Such information provides insights into the relative effort and resources needed to be effective in relationship change.
See Also Stakeholders
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