

Page history last edited by PBworks 19 years ago



This Publigram overview provides background and explianation for its use in strategy management.


In the creation, development and sustenance of an organisation's relationships, there is a need to be able to identify those Social Groups that are potentially or actually significant.


In addition, it is important that there is a robust and replicable process to identify the extent to which (and why) they are important.


This is what the Clarity Concept does.


A group of people selected for their breadth of experience, knowledge of the organisation and the influences that drive the organisation are brought together as Focus Groups.


Working with a Moderator, Publigram our current Visualisation programme is used to provide controlled conditions that allow both explicit and tacit knowledge to be deployed by the group.


Focus Groups are invited to identify and provide qualitative values of Stakeholders as a means of Social segmentation. This creates a 'Stakeholder Map'.


Publigram is optimised in two configurations. It is designed create a Stakeholder Map identifying Organisations and to identify Stakeholders influencing Issues.


These maps can be used to identify significant stakeholders in the present and/or can be created to identify a quantifiable view of the organisation's ambitions for stakeholder relationships.


Comparisons between what Focus Groups perceive now and its ambitions for the future can be show by using data created by Publigram to identify the extent of change that is desired or expected by the Focus Groups.


For planning management and evaluation, this is a very powerful tool.



Stakeholder Map

Social Groups

Social segmentation


Value of relationships

Cognitive approaches


Focus Groups

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