
Focus Groups

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 11 months ago




The Clarity Concept uses focus groups to identify the relative significance of Stakeholders and social groups such as PR publics (stakeholders, social groups, organisations etc.). This process provides powerful insights into third party attitudes and their perceptions of relative significance of key stakeholders, issues, product or brand management.

Clarity Focus Groups using Publigram, identify Stakeholders. They also identify the relative significance of Stakeholders to Organisations or Issues.

The key benefit of The Clarity Concept approach is that the relative significance of the Stakeholders under discussion become clear and reflect actualitie for:

1 The Importance of the Stakeholders to the organisation or issue being studied..

2 The Influence over the organisation or issue of the Stakeholders.

3 The attitude of the Stakeholders towards the organisation or issue.


Clarity Concept Focus Group projects include structured composition of focus groups, briefing and Publigram sessions of typically 6-9 people.

Focus groups have a long history in market research (Morgan 1988).


There are many definitions of a focus group in the literature, but features like organised discussion (Kitzinger 1994) collective activity (Powell et al 1996), social events (Goss & Leinbach 1996) and interaction (Kitzinger 1995) identify the contribution that focus groups make to research.


Clarity Concept Focus Groups prompt intuitive responses through Visualisation. The abstract representation of objects offers a freedom for group members that is seldom available in other environments and in other focus group methodologies. The structure for the group is provided through the programme operating behind the scenes.

The Clarity Concept approach to focus group research closely follows the recommended practice of Jacob Nielsen and the Social Research Update at the University of Surrey



See Also Social segmentation




1 Morgan D.L. (1988) Focus groups as qualitative research. London: Sage.

2 Kitzinger J. (1994) 'The methodology of focus groups: the importance of interaction between research participants', Sociology of Health 16 (1): 103-21.

3 Powell R.A. and Single H.M. (1996) 'Focus groups', International Journal of Quality in Health Care 8 (5): 499-504..

4 Goss J.D., Leinbach T.R. (1996) 'Focus groups as alternative research practice', Area 28 (2): 115-23.

5 Kitzinger J. (1995) 'Introducing focus groups', British Medical Journal 311: 299-302.

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