

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 11 months ago



Why we use the word 'Stakeholder'



There is considerable debate about the nature of some expressions of social group.

In Public Relations social groups are expressed as Publics based on the work of Grunig and Hunt in 1984. It is brought up to date by Bey-Ling Sha in her paper Cultural Identity in the Segmentation of Publics: An Emerging Theory of Intercultural Public Relations.


In business the commonly held term is Stakeholder based on Freedman also in 1984. And attracts a range of alternative views from people like   Norman Barry.


According to David Rose 'The practice of officially classifying the British population according to occupation and industry began in 1851'.



In this web site, we choose to use the term 'Stakeholder', not because we agree with the theory (and David Phillips has doubts about its completeness as a theory), but because it is the lingua franca covering a range of descriptions of social groups.

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